Esta mañana arranca en Granada la
conferencia internacional del comité de investigación en comunicación política de la International Political Science Association (IPSA). Además de escuchar de primera mano los resultados de algunas de las investigaciones más recientes, los afortunados congresistas podrán asistir a un espectáculo de flamenco y visitar la Alhambra. A continuación reproducimos el
programa del encuentro, que durará hasta mañana viernes.
International conference: Political communication in times of crisis
International Political Science Association (IPSA)
12-13 September 2013, Granada, Spain12th September 2013 (Thursday)9:00 Registration
9:30 Opening
10:00 Panel 1; Panel 2
Panel 1.- Online Political CommunicationChair: Lucia Vesnic-Alujevic
- Anita BREUER: Islamic Political Communication Online: The Use of the Internet by the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood post the Arab Spring Revolution
- Vita DREIJERE: Crying politician 2.0. Construction of political soap opera in new media
- Karolina KOC-MICHALSKA: Evolving in step or poles apart? Online audiences and networking during Poland and France 2011-12 election campaign.
- Elisabetta FERRARI: WCIT'12: The Trade off Between Secrecy and Legitimacy in the Changing Landscape of Global Internet Governance
Panel 2.- Political CommunicationChair: Ekmel Gecer
- Javier G. MARÍN; Adolfo CALATRAVA: Television Coverage of Election Televised Debates.
- Ekaterina VINOGRADOVA: Political communication of ALBA leaders in the EU: technologies and practical results
- Athanassion SAMARAS; Myrsini DOGANI: The Impact of the Financial Crisis on the Nation Image of Germany; a Comparative Analysis in the Greek and UK Media.
- Manuela ORTEGA: Biography as a source of credibility: the case of Obama
- Olga POLUNINA: The problems of Communication Security of the Latin American Countries: The manipulative potential of the communication space
11:30 Coffee Break
12:00 Panel 3; Panel 4; Panel 5
Panel 3.- Media and political Discourse: Representation of minorities in IrelandChair: Javier G. Marín
- Encarnación HIDALGO, Leanne BARTLEY: “Had Norris been elected president, it would have been a tectonic shift in Irish politics”: Applying critical metaphor analysis to a corpus of Irish newspapers covering the 2011 pre-election campaign.
- María MARTINEZ LIROLA: Multimodal analysis of a sample of Irish political campaigns during the Celtic Tiger period.
- Óscar LUENGO: Visibility of Minorities during Election Campaign in Ireland.
- Pilar VILLAR-ARGÁIZ: The Representation of Non-Irish Immigrants in Celtic-Tiger and Non-Celtic Tiger Ireland Films
Panel 4.- Institutional CommunicationChair: Jorge Resina
- Antonio GARRIDO: Political Communication of Monarchies: A Comparative Perspective
- Alberto BUENO FERNÁNDEZ: Institutional communication and defence: a detailed analysis of advertising campaigns on television initiated by the Spanish Ministry of Defence
- Jorge TUÑÓN NAVARRO: "Marca España": the New Public Diplomacy challenge to catch up an ill country
- Vjosa MUSLIU: Communicating European Values: The case of the UN and EU Missions in Kosovo
- Cristina MORENO: The rationale behind the communication of public policies
- Sabina KHIZRIYEVA: Political communication of Lula da Silva in foreign policy of Brazil and the EU
Panel 5.- Political and Social Mobilisation and Media.Chair: Dominic Wring
- Sergio PÉREZ CASTAÑOS; José Manuel TRUJILLO: How do electoral campaigns mobilise?
- Vassilis VAMVAKAS: The social media 'factor' in the intermedia agenda-setting in Greece: The case of the Greek “Indignados”
- Stuart PRICE: Democracy and the ‘Dictatorship of the Markets’: public protest, iconic space and the public ‘event’ in contemporary Spain
- María LAMUERDA; David MONTERO; Ruth SANZ: Representations Dissent in Mainstream Media. A Comparative Analysis of the Coverage of Strikes and Solidarity Protests in Europe
- Xiana VILAS: Comparison between participants before and after the Labor Reform
13:30: Lunch Break
15:30 Panel 6; Panel 7; Panel 8
Panel 6.- Political MarketingChair: Encarnación Hidalgo
- Alicianne OLIVEIRA: A militant communication: the relations between state, political party and black movement in Brazil
- Susanna PSHIZOVA: Astroturfing in Russian political communication
- Roman CHYTILEK: Physical Appearance, Issue Proximity and Evaluation of Candidates: Laboratory Experiment.
- Ekmel GECER: Global Trends in Turkish Election Campaigns: Can Americanisation challenge Nationalisation?
- Tatiana CHUHROVA: Political communication in social networks in times of crisis: the experience of Russia
Panel 7.- Communication and Electoral CampaignsChair: Óscar Luengo
- Philippe DE VRIES: The battle for the Migrant Vote: A Belgiam case study.
- Giselle GARCÍA HÍPOLA; José Manuel TRUJILLO: Elections in Time of Crisis: Different effects in Campaigns in Andalusia (Spain), 2008-12
- Marta REBOLLEDO: The personalisation of politics: a trend in the press coverage of election campaigns in Germany and Spain
- Otto EIBL; Alena MACKOVA; Milos GREGOR: First Direct Presidential Elections in the Czech Republic: Analysis of Electoral Campaigns
- Simon CROSS: Domestic appeals: continuity and change in British TV party election broadcasts
Panel 8.- Media SystemsChair: Aleksandra Sojka
- Julianno DOMINGUES-DA-SILVA: More concentration, Less Democracy?
- Tony McHUGH: Communicating Medical Thruths.
- Jorge RESINA: Polarization without pluralism: media, communication and democracy during the Rafael Correa´s government in Ecuador
- Björn BUSS: Austerity and European media: QCA in the analysis of media systems
20:30 Reception at Carmen de la Victoria.
22:00 Flamenco Performance.
13th September 2013 (Friday)09:30 Panel 9; Panel 10
Panel 9.- Media and DemocracyChair: Nuno Mesquita
- Susthai CONSTANTINI: When participation excludes deliberation: the origins of Hugo Chávez’s Aló Presidente
- David DEACON; Dominic WRING: Going APE? The British Press and the rise of the UK Independence Party
- Claudia RITZI: The Post-Democratization of the Public Sphere
- Julianno DOMINGUES-DA-SILVA: Models of Democracy and Media Regulation: what does “democratization of communication” mean?
- Vicent CAMPBELL: Theories of Citizenship in Citizen Journalism
- Agnes ZIOLKOWSKI-TRZAK: Rupturing Phallologocentric Hegemony in the Public Sphere
Panel 10.- Political CrisisChair: Adolfo Calatrava
- Emily KEIGHTLEY: Communicating the memory of political crises: the failures of the trauma paradigm
- Tomislav LENDO: Presidential Approval and Communications Strategy in Times of Public Security Crisis: México 2006-2012
- Rafael DURÁN: Framing discourse during the Lampedusa crisis: Victims and intruders in the Spanish press coverage
- Anna POTSAR: Failed communication produces crisis or crisis produces failed communication?
- Aino ANTTILA: Public debates of the euro crisis – the case of Finland
- Giuliano BOBBA: Populist discourse and communications during the crisis: the case of Italy
11:00 Coffee Break
11:30 Panel 11; Panel 12, Panel 13
Panel 11.- Accountability, Corruption and security communicationChair: Julianno Domingues-Da-Silva
- Manuel PEREIRA-PUGA: What is that CCTV camera looking at? The privacy Vs. security tension in Spanish newspapers
- Aleksandra SOJKA: Privacy vs. Security – Who Cares? The Politics of Citizens’ Safety in the Polish Media
- Nael JEBRIL: Is Watchdog Journalism Satisfactory Journalism? A Cross-national Study of Public Satisfaction with Political Coverage
- Thiago PARREIRA; Leonardo MORAES: How we can have accountability in the Brazilian Third Sector if we do not understand the term and the need of it?
- Nuno COIMBRA: The Different Dynamics of Corruption: Media, Institutions and Perception in the Brazilian Context
- Evgeny Pashentsev: Enforcing "Humanitarian Wars": A Case of Communication Mismanagement
Panel 12.- Political DiscourseChair: Leanne Bartley
- Sehan EL KAREH; Sherine HASSAN; Reham MARZOUK: El Baradie Between Candidacy and Withdrawal : A Political Discourse Analysis
- Andrew BARANOV: Forms and practices of political communications between ethnopolitical movements in contemporary Crimea
- Magdalena CANTERO; Juan Manuel ARCOS; Antonio Miguel BAÑÓN: Political and economic crisis in the Andalusian parliamentary discourse.
- Arantxa CAPDEVILLA; Enric CASTELLO: Metaphorical construction of the 11-S Catalan Independence Crisis in the Press
- Athanassion SAMARAS; Niki PAPAGIANNI; Aris PAPAIOANNOU: Political Communication of Crisis: Alterations of the Pattern of Employment of the Bias and the Poison the Well Ad Hominem Arguments due to the Reconstruction of the Greek Party System”
- Gema RUBIO: Monitoring xenophobic political discourse: an interdisciplinary approach
Panel 13.- Communicating in Social NetworksChair: Anita Breuer
- Lucia VESNIC-ALUJEVIC: Talking about politics on Facebook? Young adults and online political participation in Croatia
- Rossella REGA; Roberta BRACCIALE: Political information in the 2013 Italian electoral campaign within the twittersphere: why over 140 characters?
- Jozef ZAGRAPAN: Slovak political parties and their communication on Twitter in the year of early elections
- Christiane GRILL: Handling the European Crisis on Twitter. Comparing the German and Spanish Political Agenda
- Lidia VALERA: Expanding or Dividing the Public Sphere? An Analysis of the Online Political Discussion on the Spanish Blogosphere during 2011 Electoral Campaign
Plenary Conference: Prof. Ramón Cotarelo: "Mastering Minds: the Fortunes of Political Advertising”14:30 Lunch Break
17:00 Visit to Alhambra.