Como viene ocurriendo desde hace casi una década, la sección de Comunicación Política de la Asociación Americana de Ciencia Política (APSA) celebra un simposio especializado que precede a la
macro-conferencia anual de los politólogos norteamericanos. En esta ocasión el encuentro tendrá lugar en la Universidad de Washington, en Seattle (EE.UU.), el 31 de agosto de 2011. En el
programa, que reproducimos a continuación, destacan la comunicación política internacional y las reflexiones sobre metodología.
9th Annual APSA Pre-Conference on Political CommunicationWednesday, August 31, 2011University of WashingtonPANEL A1: IMMIGRATION, FOREIGN POLICY, AND THREATChair: Martin Johnson (University of California, Riverside)
Discussant: Travis Ridout (Washington State University)
Paper 1 (8:45am): Media Frames and Immigration Debate
Danny Hayes (American University)
Paper 2 (9:00am): American Atrocity Revisited: U.S. Political and News Discourse in the Aftermath of the My Lai Massacre
Chuck Rowling (University of Washington), Timothy Jones (Bellevue College) and Penelope Sheet (University of Amsterdam)
Paper 3 (9:15am): Belief in Propaganda: Perceptions of Public Service Advertisements on Chinese Television
Ashley Esarey (Whitman College), Daniela Stockmann (Leiden University) and Zhang Jie (Communication University of China)
Paper 4 (9:30am): The Longest War Story: Elite Rhetoric, Public Opinion, and the War in Afghanistan
Tim Groeling (University of California, Los Angeles) and Matthew Baum (Harvard University)
PANEL A2: POLITICAL ACTOR PORTRAYALS AND ADVERTISINGChair: Leticia Bode (University of Wisconsin, Madison)
Discussants: Betty Hanson (University of Connecticut) and Stephanie Burkhalter (Humboldt State University)
Paper 1 (8:45am): Friend or Foe: From Social Interaction to Leadership Judgment
Claire Robinson (Massey University, New Zealand)
Paper 2: Vote for Me or Else! (9:00am): How Candidates Used the Threat of Potential Losses in the 2010 Presidential Elections in Ivory Coast
Williams Yamkam (University of Arkansas, Fort Smith)
Paper 3 (9:15am): Comparative Advertising and Strategy in U.S. House Elections
Jack D. Collens (University of Georgia)
Paper 4 (9:30am): Rhetoric in Presidential Campaign Ads: Party Mobilizer, Public Informer or Both?
Joseph Cobetto (University of Missouri, Columbia)
Paper 5 (9:45am): The Government'll Get You, If You Don't Watch Out! Communicating Populist Threats to the People
John S. Nelson (University of Iowa)
Plenary Roundtable: The Interplay between Research and Teaching in Political Communication (10:30-11:50am)Chair: Paul Gronke (Reed College)
Participants: Michael Delli Carpini (University of Pennsylvania), Danny Hayes (American University), Stephen Reese (University of Texas, Austin), Laura Roselle (Elon University)
Split Panel Session B (12:50-2:30pm)
PANEL B1: COVERAGE OF UNCONVENTIONAL POLITICAL BEHAVIORChair: Claire Robinson (Massey University, New Zealand)
Discussants: David Karpf (Rutgers University) and Tim Groeling (University of California, Los Angeles)
Paper 1 (12:50pm): The Language of Threat in the Rhetoric of the Teaparty
G. R. Boynton (University of Iowa) and Glenn Richardson (Kutztown University)
Paper 2 (1:05pm): Tea for Three: Revisiting the Protest Paradigm and Media Coverage of the Tea Party Movement by Cable News Outlet
David A. Weaver (University of California, Santa Barbara) and Joshua M. Scacco (University of Texas, Austin)
Paper 3 (1:20pm): A Rising Tide of Tea and Ink: News Media Coverage of the Tea Party Movement versus Other Major Protests
Damon T. Di Cicco (University of Washington) and Colin Lingle (University of Washington)
Paper 4 (1:35pm): Theories of Conspiracy Theories
Joseph M. Parent (University of Miami) and Joseph E. Uscinski (University of Miami)
Paper 5 (1:50pm): How Celebrities Become Political During Times of Threat
Todd Belt (University of Hawaii, Hilo)
Discussant: Matt Levendusky (University of Pennsylvania)
Paper 1 (12:50pm): Communication, Persuasion, and the Conditioning Value of Selective Exposure: Like Minds May Unite and Divide But They Mostly Tune Out
Kevin Arceneaux (Temple University), John Cryderman (Temple University) and Martin Johnson (University of California, Riverside)
Paper 2 (1:05pm): Visualizing the Facts: Visual Processing’s Role in Combating Political Misinformation Ashley Muddiman (University of Texas, Austin)
Paper 3 (1:20pm): A Field Experiment on the Internet’s Effect in an African Election: Savvier Citizens, Disaffected Voters, or Both?
Catie Snow Bailard (George Washington University)
Paper 4 (1:35pm): When political comedy turns personal: Assessing the impact of humor on attitudes toward disability and political perceptions
Amy B. Becker (Towson University) and Beth Haller (Towson University)
Split Panel Session C (2:35-4:15pm)
PANEL C1: THE POLITICAL COMMUNICATION OF THREATChair: Jack Collens (University of Georgia)
Discussant: Tom Birkland (North Carolina State University)
Paper 1 (2:35pm): Norms, Threat Appeals, and Actions for the Public Good
Toby Bolsen (Georgia State University)
Paper 2 (2:50pm): Framing and Ideology in Television News: Representations of Islam as Security Threat in Britain and France
Chris Flood (University of Surrey)
Paper 3 (3:05pm): Threat Frames: Does Biology Trump Reason?
Ingrid D. Anderson (Washington University in St. Louis)
Paper 4 (3:20pm): Structural Stigma of Disease and Coercive Public Health Policy
Dina Shapiro (University of Pennsylvania)
PANEL C2. POLITICAL COMMUNICATION IN CHINA/US RELATIONSChair: Joshua Scacco (University of Texas, Austin)
Discussant: Yong Deng (US Naval Academy)
Paper 1 (2:35pm): The Rise of China: Elite Perceptions and the Future of US-China relations
Yawei Liu (The Carter Center & Emory University) and Justine R. Zheng (London School of Economics)
Paper 2 (2:50pm): China’s Intellectuals and the New Public Diplomacy: 2010-2015
Kejin Zhao (Tsinghua University & The Chahar Institute)
Paper 3 (3:05pm): Image Management in Public Diplomacy: A Political Psychology Perspective
Doris A. Graber (University of Illinois, Chicago)
Paper 4 (3:20pm): Information and Emotion: Challenges and Opportunities for Political Communication in China-US Relations
Holli A. Semetko (Emory University)
PANEL C3: METHODOLOGICAL MEDLEYChair: Rachel Gibson (University of Manchester, UK)
Discussant: Kevin Arceneaux (Temple University)
Paper 1 (2:35pm): Pressing the Gas and Putting on the Breaks: Punctuated Equilibrium, Media Attention, and the Policy Process
Michelle Wolfe (University of Texas, Austin)
Paper 2 (2:50pm): Blogosphere Authority Index 2.0: Change and Continuity in the American Political Blogosphere, 2007-2010.
David A. Karpf (Rutgers University)
Paper 3 (3:05pm): Shared Frames? Evaluating Mediated Communication as a Globalizing Force The Case of Climate Change
Abby Jones (George Washington University)
Paper 4 (3:20pm): Correlates of Media Freedom
Douglas Van Belle (Victoria University of Wellington) and Jenifer Whitten-Woodring (University of Massachusetts, Lowell)
Plenary Roundtable: The Political Communication of Threat (4:20-5:40pm)Chair: Regina Lawrence (Louisiana State University)
Participants: Tom Birkland (North Carolina State University), Robert Entman (George Washington University), Steve Livingston (George Washington University)