La Web 2.0 (expresión que alude a la actual etapa de Internet en la que priman las relaciones entre usuarios sobre el consumo pasivo de contenidos) es terreno abonado para la actividad política. A continuación reproducimos la call for papers que sobre este tema acaba de lanzar la Nueva Unidad de Comunicación Política del Royal Holloway College, perteneciente a la Universidad de Londres. Por cierto, los interesados en el asunto no deben perderse el especial sobre “Politics 2.0” publicado por la revista Mother Jones.
Politics: Web 2.0: An International Conference - Call For Papers
Hosted by the New Political Communication Unit, Department of Politics and International Relations, Royal Holloway, University of London.
April 17-18, 2008.
Call for papers
Has there been a shift in political use of the Internet and digital new media - a new Web 2.0 politics based on participatory values? How do broader social, cultural, and economic shifts towards Web 2.0 impact, if at all, on the contexts, the organizational structures, and the communication of politics and policy? Does Web 2.0 hinder or help democratic citizenship? This conference provides an opportunity for researchers to share and debate perspectives.
Potential themes could include (in no particular order):
- Theorizing Web 2.0.
- Changes in political journalism, news production, and consumption.
- Social networking (MySpace, Facebook) and election campaigning.
- Citizen activism from the local to the transnational.
- Blogs, wikis, and user-generated content.
- Changing social, cultural, and political identities.
- Social software and social media: design, technologies, tools, and techniques.
- Social network analysis.
- Surveillance, privacy, and security.
- Security, foreign policy and international communication.
- Hacktivism.
- Radical transparency.
- The impact of online video.
- E-government, web 2.0, and new models of public service delivery.
- New models of social and political collaboration and problem-solving.
- 'Little brother' phenomena.
- Political life in virtual worlds.
- Netroots versus the war room model of election campaigning.
- New challenges for media regulation.
- Collaborative production of political knowledge networks.
- Changing party, interest group, and social movement strategies.
- Web 2.0 and political marketing.
- Collective intelligence, smart mobs, crowdsourcing.
- Fragmenting audiences, the long tail, and the political economy of web 2.0 media.
- Civil society, civic engagement, and mobilization.
- Web 2.0, ICT4D and the changing digital divide.
- The politics of intellectual property.
- Hyperlocalism.
- The political aesthetics of Web 2.0.
Journal of Information Technology and Politics special issue
Conference presenters will be invited to submit their papers to a peer review process for publication in a special issue of the new Journal of Information Technology and Politics.
Submitting a paper or panel proposal
Paper proposals should be submitted via the secure online form.
Deadline for all proposals: November 2, 2007.
Further information, including details of keynote speakers and plenary sessions will be released in early autumn. Details of accommodation packages will be released early in 2008.
Technorati tags: political communication,
comunicación política,
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Yo creo que la web 2.0 es una herramienta imprescindible para los que queremos conquistar el mundo.
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