miércoles, noviembre 21, 2007

Medios y democracia: Conferencia en Princeton

El impacto de los cambios en la industria periodística en el panorama informativo y los vínculos entre medios, ciudadanos y gobierno serán los temas centrales de la conferencia titulada “The Changing Media and Political Accountability” que tendrá lugar en la Universidad de Princeton (New Jersey, Estados Unidos) los días 30 de noviembre y 1 de diciembre de 2007.

La web de la conferencia, cuyo programa reproducimos a continuación, permite el acceso en formato PDF a algunas de las ponencias. Más información en la nota de prensa alusiva al encuentro.


Conference on the Changing Media and Political Accountability

Bowl 1, Robertson Hall

Friday, November 30, 2007

4:30 pm Panel 1. The Changing Media and the Political Information Environment

Tom Rosenstiel, Project for Excellence in Journalism: State of the News Media 2007

Scott Althaus, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign: Free Falls, High Dives, and the Future of Democratic Accountability

W. Russell Neuman, University of Michigan: Economics of Digital Journalism: What Happens When Traditional Newspapers Go Out Of Business in 2039?

Matthew Hindman, Arizona State University: Political Accountability and the Web’s "Missing Middle"

Discussant: Robert Shapiro, Columbia University

Saturday, December 1, 2007

9:00 am Panel 2. The Changing Media and Citizen Involvement

John Zaller, University of California, Los Angeles: Communication and Political Accountability From the Federalist Papers to the Internet

Shanto Iyengar, Stanford University: Media Systems, Delivery of International News, and Public Awareness of International Affairs

Markus Prior, Princeton University: News Junkies as Monitotial Citizens? Conditions for Political Accountability in a High-Choice Media Environment

Kevin Arceneaux, Temple University: Choice, Attention, and Reception: The Influence of Agency on Media Effects

Discussant: Benjamin Page, Northwestern University

11:15 am Panel 3. The Changing Media and the Link between Citizens and Government

Matt Baum, Harvard University and University of California, Los Angeles: Shot by the Messenger: An Experimental Examination of the Effects of Party Cues on Public Opinion Regarding National Security and War

Martin Gilens, Princeton University: The Mass Media and Citizens Knowledge, Engagement, and Vote Choice in U.S. National Elections, 1952-2000

Lynn Vavreck, University of California, Los Angeles: Randomized Field Experiments on the Effectiveness of Local Cable Political Advertising

James Druckman, Northwestern University: The Technological Development of Congressional Candidate Websites: How and Why Candidates Use Web Innovations

Discussant: Paul DiMaggio, Princeton University

2:30 pm Panel 4. The Changing Media and Accountability: Conclusion (Roundtable)

Yochai Benkler, Harvard Law School
Thomas Patterson, Harvard University
Michael Schudson, University of California, San Diego
Paul Starr, Princeton University

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